Tourist Safety and Security Tips

Safety is key to your trip or vacation. Remember, even though there are safety and security measures implemented all around you, there are simple things that you can do to protect yourself. Please note that depending on your situation you may have to apply different security measures. Be guided by the following security tips to ensure safety during your trip:

Safety on the streets

  • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Use credit and debit cards and travelers cheques as much as possible.
  • Be aware of pick-pocket thieves whenever in public.
  • Avoid taking out cash publicly. Keep the cash you’ll need handy.
  • If possible, do not walk alone whether night or day.
  • Avoid talking to strangers unnecessarily.
  • If you are surrounded by dark buildings, parked cars or bushy areas, avoid walking close to them. try walking in the middle.
  • Never take short cuts.
  • If someone bumps into you suddenly, it could be a robbery motive. Be alert. Shout “thief!” or “help” or scream if necessary.
  • Avoid wearing expensive jewelry outside of your resort or place of accommodation.
  • Never give any personal information to complete strangers.

Safety at the hotel/accommodation

  • Never leave your packed luggage unattended.
  • Avoid talking to strangers unnecessarily.
  • Make an effort to have the telephone numbers for the police, hospital, and fire department.
  • Always make on effort to tell the receptionist or other hotel security stall if you are leaving the property at any time.
  • Never leave your hotel key in the door.
  • Never allow strangers to come in your room.
  • Always know the number for the front desk or security department.
  • Close all doors before leaving your room.
  • Avoid leaving jewelry and other valuables unsecured. Hotels usually make provisions for this.
  • Never give any personal information to complete strangers.
  • Keep your personal effects close to your body.
  • If you need to go to a strange place/area ask about the reputation or safety of the place first. You could ask a receptionist, guide or tour representative for help.

Safety at the airport

  • Carry as little money as possible.
  • Be aware that thieves frequent airports, so watch out for them particularly there.
  • Don’t leave you packed luggage unattended.
  • Avoid keeping or carrying a strangers luggage.
  • Avoid leaving your luggage in the care of strangers.
  • Keep valuables in your carry-on luggage where possible.
  • Avoid giving your personal information to strangers unnecessarily.

Useful telephone numbers

  • Fire Department – 110 or 922-0007
  • Police Department – 119 or 927-7681
  • Ambulance/Emergency Medical Service – 953-2938 or 974-6404

Please bear in mind that there has been concerns about the response time from the emergency telepone numbers in Jamaica. As a result, it is advisable that you seek the number for the police and fire department based on the nearest office location to you. Try to keep this handy or easy to reach.

Also, in case of medical emegencies your hotel will usually have a nurse and/doctor on call, however you have the choice of public or private hospitals.

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